Planrow 1.9

Snapshots, bug fixes and improvements.

February 15, 2022

To help potentially save time and prevent unnecessary loss of work, we've added a backup feature in this version of Planrow.


Snapshots is a backup feature intended to prevent you from accidentally losing work. Planrow can now periodically archive your work into backups, with each plan of your formatted into a Markdown file. The frequency of snapshots taken as well as number of them to keep is also adjustable from within the Settings view.

The backups are saved locally on your device by the app, and to retrieve and view the contents of each backup, you can download them from the Snapshots interface in the Settings view. The snapshot downloaded will come as a zip file, and you can simply unzip it to view your contents, which are organized into individual Markdown files.

Do note that for privacy reasons, these local snapshots are also deleted when you log out, so be sure to first download any backups you might want to separately keep before that.


  • Improved efficiency of initial sync upon logging in.
  • Show a confirmation dialog before logging out.
  • Made incoming syncs less disruptive if you are actively editing.
  • Scroll to show newly-added projects and plans in the sidebar if covered by the software keyboard.
  • If the sync setting is on and the user's just logged in show a message dialog stating that sync is happening.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error when a currently being edited item is deleted via an incoming sync.
  • Fixed right-side spacing of the "+ New List" button in the sidebar in desktop widths.
  • While in editing mode and upon swiping to go back on mobile, dismiss the software keyboard.
  • Fixed how on mobile, when double-tapping a sidebar plan, it leads to an unintended UI state.
  • Fixed how on desktop, the header toolbar's top spacing looks weird.
  • Fixed a bug on desktop versions involving secure field name strings.

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