Planrow 1.8

Undo and redo, bug fixes and improvements.

February 2, 2022

A simple and easy-to-use undo/redo function is a must-have in any worthwhile productivity app, and we added it in this update!

Undo & Redo

The focus in this update was to add full, app-wide undo and redo capability. While working in Planrow, your actions are now saved to an in-memory history stack which is only available and kept during your active session with the app, from which undo and redo can reference to work.

The undo/redo stack has a maximum size of up to one hundred items. The undo and redo actions are available from the UI, as well as using keyboard shortcuts. Confirmation dialogs also no longer get shown when deleting an item, because you can always trivially undo your deletion if you want.


  • Included a log in message if sync setting is off.
  • Added a way to manually trigger a data refresh in the UI.

Bug Fixes

  • Handled missing objects on incoming sync better.
  • In the sidebar, fixed how you shouldn't be able to long-press to select the settings view.
  • On mobile, fixed how swiping to navigate should also hide all popovers.
  • Fixed how you should be able to use the tab/shift+tab keyboard shortcuts to indent/outdent a task in selection mode.
  • Fixed how when "Authenticate At Startup" is off, the new user status doesn't update when app is reloaded/refreshed, even when online.
  • Fixed how when "Authenticate At Startup" is off, there is an error when logging out.

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